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How Third-Party Construction Inspections Are Impacting the Built Environment

More states in America have made changes to their construction codes to allow third party inspection agencies to conduct the necessary inspections in lieu of traditional municipal inspectors. We look at how third-party construction inspections impact the built environment in several ways...

How Third-Party Construction Inspections Are Impacting the Built Environment

Infrastructure & Asset Inspection of Concrete Structures



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More and more states in America have made changes to their construction codes to allow third party inspection agencies to conduct the necessary inspections in lieu of traditional municipal inspectors. Most recently, the state of New Jersey signed-off changes to the Uniform Construction Code (UCC) Act to help speed up the construction permitting process by allowing third-party inspection companies to bid for contracts and complete the inspections.

Previously, in many jurisdictions, only municipal building officials were authorized to perform the necessary construction inspections, often resulting in a lengthy processes, delays and unnecessary cost.

Now, the benefits of allowing approved third-party construction inspections are being realized, since they can offer increased transparency, security and efficiency.

Inspections are crucial to ensure the quality, safety and longevity of any structure, so the latest change in legislation is a great step in the right direction for our built environment.

How do third-party inspections impact construction and our built environment overall?

Third-party construction inspections offer several advantages:

  • Building inspections can be done in a timelier manner, since third parties can be more locally available.
  • Inspections can be more cost effective for municipalities on budget restrictions as they have the choice to negotiate and choose from several third-party companies.
  • It gives new possibilities to outsource experts and specialists with up-to-date knowledge on local building codes.
  • It opens up the potential to reach net-zero carbon of structures at a quicker pace, as third-party inspectors are more likely to use the latest Built World Tech for concrete condition data capture and analysis, which is essential for increasing longevity and reducing embodied CO2.

Whether it's a new site-built or off-site built modular construction, or even the maintenance of an existing structure, regular and thorough inspections identify potential issues before they become bigger problems. Responsive service and immediate data are key, and third-party inspection companies can deliver both.

The main thing for civil engineers, construction firms, structural engineering and consulting companies who want to bid for municipal contracts and scale their business, is their processes and technological capabilities. Processes must be highly efficient, compliant and responsive. Technological capabilities must be holistic, data-powered and traceable.

Inspection technologies and equipment for all types of structural assessment have advanced significantly over the past 5 years alone. Now, the latest inspection technologies are democratized to make them accessible – a perfect combination with the change in construction code in several jurisdictions. More inspections can be completed in less time, with less manpower required, and at less cost.

For example, intelligent inspection software, like Screening Eagle Inspect, takes the strain off the inspection workflow. Repetitive tasks can be automated, customized checklists ensure procedures are followed correctly, findings are prioritized easily, and reports are produced in one-click. This makes inspection processes much more efficient and more productive. Another example is the Built World Tech solutions that give immediate, traceable and holistic data insights into the health and condition of any structure for wiser decision making.

The most sustainable, desirable buildings and structures will be the ones with the data. That’s why a connected ecosystem of inspection technologies and NDT (non-destructive testing) equipment has never been more important. The data remains secure and centralized for accessibility at any point in the future. For third-party inspectors this is especially true, since it is the most reliable and simplest way to manage inspection data in a timely and efficient manner. Plus, it gives the capability to build up a digital health record of the structure that future third-party inspectors can use to monitor the previous findings.

As you can see, changes are happening for the better. And the use of approved third-party inspectors makes a positive impact on construction and the built environment, now and for the future generations to come.

Have questions about the most efficient solutions for third-party construction inspections? Get in touch, we’re happy to help.

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