DefaultController :: productFamily


GET Parameters

Key Value

POST Parameters

No POST parameters

Uploaded Files

No files were uploaded

Request Attributes

Key Value
App\Controller\DefaultController {#457
  #container: Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Argument\ServiceLocator {#2157 …}
  "_locale" => "fr"
  "action" => "none"
  "model_1" => "none"
  "model_2" => "none"
  "model_3" => "none"
  "category" => "zehntner-marking-retroreflection"
Pimcore\Bundle\PersonalizationBundle\Model\Document\Page {#802
  #dao: Pimcore\Bundle\PersonalizationBundle\Model\Document\Page\Dao {#793 …}
  #dependencies: null
  #__dataVersionTimestamp: 1715843991
  #path: "/"
  #properties: [
    "language" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#826
      #dao: null
      #name: "language"
      #data: "fr"
      #type: "text"
      #ctype: "document"
      #cpath: null
      #cid: 1167
      #inheritable: true
      #inherited: false
      name: "language"
      data: "fr"
      type: "text"
      ctype: "document"
      cpath: null
      cid: 1167
      inheritable: true
      inherited: false
    "backgroundAsset" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#814
      #dao: null
      #name: "backgroundAsset"
      #data: "10255"
      #type: "asset"
      #ctype: "document"
      #cpath: null
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      #inherited: false
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      data: "10255"
      type: "asset"
      ctype: "document"
      cpath: null
      cid: 1167
      inheritable: true
      inherited: false
    "footer" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#822
      #dao: null
      #name: "footer"
      #data: "12357"
      #type: "document"
      #ctype: "document"
      #cpath: null
      #cid: 1167
      #inheritable: true
      #inherited: false
      name: "footer"
      data: "12357"
      type: "document"
      ctype: "document"
      cpath: null
      cid: 1167
      inheritable: true
      inherited: false
    "navigation_accesskey" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#833
      #dao: null
      #name: "navigation_accesskey"
      #data: ""
      #type: "text"
      #ctype: "document"
      #cpath: null
      #cid: 1167
      #inheritable: false
      #inherited: false
      name: "navigation_accesskey"
      data: ""
      type: "text"
      ctype: "document"
      cpath: null
      cid: 1167
      inheritable: false
      inherited: false
    "navigation_anchor" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#823
      #dao: null
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      #data: ""
      #type: "text"
      #ctype: "document"
      #cpath: null
      #cid: 1167
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      #inherited: false
      name: "navigation_anchor"
      data: ""
      type: "text"
      ctype: "document"
      cpath: null
      cid: 1167
      inheritable: false
      inherited: false
    "navigation_class" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#811
      #dao: null
      #name: "navigation_class"
      #data: ""
      #type: "text"
      #ctype: "document"
      #cpath: null
      #cid: 1167
      #inheritable: false
      #inherited: false
      name: "navigation_class"
      data: ""
      type: "text"
      ctype: "document"
      cpath: null
      cid: 1167
      inheritable: false
      inherited: false
    "navigation_exclude" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#827
      #dao: null
      #name: "navigation_exclude"
      #data: false
      #type: "bool"
      #ctype: "document"
      #cpath: null
      #cid: 1167
      #inheritable: false
      #inherited: false
      name: "navigation_exclude"
      data: false
      type: "bool"
      ctype: "document"
      cpath: null
      cid: 1167
      inheritable: false
      inherited: false
    "navigation_name" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#831
      #dao: null
      #name: "navigation_name"
      #data: ""
      #type: "text"
      #ctype: "document"
      #cpath: null
      #cid: 1167
      #inheritable: false
      #inherited: false
      name: "navigation_name"
      data: ""
      type: "text"
      ctype: "document"
      cpath: null
      cid: 1167
      inheritable: false
      inherited: false
    "navigation_parameters" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#829
      #dao: null
      #name: "navigation_parameters"
      #data: ""
      #type: "text"
      #ctype: "document"
      #cpath: null
      #cid: 1167
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      #inherited: false
      name: "navigation_parameters"
      data: ""
      type: "text"
      ctype: "document"
      cpath: null
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      inherited: false
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      #data: ""
      #type: "text"
      #ctype: "document"
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      #inherited: false
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      data: ""
      type: "text"
      ctype: "document"
      cpath: null
      cid: 1167
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      inherited: false
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      #dao: null
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      #data: ""
      #type: "text"
      #ctype: "document"
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      #inherited: false
      name: "navigation_tabindex"
      data: ""
      type: "text"
      ctype: "document"
      cpath: null
      cid: 1167
      inheritable: false
      inherited: false
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      #dao: null
      #name: "navigation_target"
      #data: null
      #type: "text"
      #ctype: "document"
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      #inherited: false
      name: "navigation_target"
      data: null
      type: "text"
      ctype: "document"
      cpath: null
      cid: 1167
      inheritable: false
      inherited: false
    "navigation_title" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#836
      #dao: null
      #name: "navigation_title"
      #data: "Home"
      #type: "text"
      #ctype: "document"
      #cpath: null
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      data: "Home"
      type: "text"
      ctype: "document"
      cpath: null
      cid: 1167
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      inherited: false
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      #dao: null
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      #data: "10556"
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      #ctype: "document"
      #cpath: null
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      #inherited: false
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      data: "10556"
      type: "asset"
      ctype: "document"
      cpath: null
      cid: 1167
      inheritable: false
      inherited: false
    "rootDocument" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#838
      #dao: null
      #name: "rootDocument"
      #data: "1167"
      #type: "document"
      #ctype: "document"
      #cpath: null
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      #inherited: false
      name: "rootDocument"
      data: "1167"
      type: "document"
      ctype: "document"
      cpath: null
      cid: 1167
      inheritable: true
      inherited: false
    "static_page" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#839
      #dao: null
      #name: "static_page"
      #data: true
      #type: "bool"
      #ctype: "document"
      #cpath: null
      #cid: 1167
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      #inherited: false
      name: "static_page"
      data: true
      type: "bool"
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      inherited: false
    "thumbnail" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#840
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      #name: "thumbnail"
      #data: "10556"
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      #cpath: null
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      #inherited: false
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      data: "10556"
      type: "asset"
      ctype: "document"
      cpath: null
      cid: 1167
      inheritable: false
      inherited: false
    "twitter:image" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#841
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      #name: "twitter:image"
      #data: "10556"
      #type: "asset"
      #ctype: "document"
      #cpath: null
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      #inherited: false
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      data: "10556"
      type: "asset"
      ctype: "document"
      cpath: null
      cid: 1167
      inheritable: false
      inherited: false
  #id: 1167
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  #parentId: 1
  #parent: Pimcore\Bundle\PersonalizationBundle\Model\Document\Page {#817 …}
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  -activeDispatchingEvents: []
  #fullPathCache: "/fr"
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  #children: [
    "document_list_0" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Listing {#6023
      #dao: Pimcore\Model\Document\Listing\Dao {#6021 …}
      #order: [
      #orderKey: [
      #limit: null
      #offset: 0
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      #conditionVariablesFromSetCondition: [
      #groupBy: null
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      #conditionParams: []
      #conditionVariableTypes: [
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        Pimcore\Model\Document\Link {#6036
          #dao: Pimcore\Model\Document\Link\Dao {#6034 …}
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              cid: 11554
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              inherited: true
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              type: "document"
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              cpath: null
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              inherited: true
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              #data: "1167"
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              data: "1167"
              type: "document"
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              inheritable: true
              inherited: true
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              data: true
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              inherited: true
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              data: "background-color:white;"
              type: "text"
              ctype: "document"
              cpath: null
              cid: 11554
              inheritable: true
              inherited: false
            "navigationDropdownType" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#6229
              #dao: null
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              data: "fullWidth"
              type: "text"
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              cid: 11554
              inheritable: false
              inherited: false
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              #data: "15166"
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              data: "15166"
              type: "object"
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              cpath: null
              cid: 11554
              inheritable: false
              inherited: false
            "navigation_accesskey" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#6243
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              #name: "navigation_accesskey"
              #data: ""
              #type: "text"
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              data: ""
              type: "text"
              ctype: "document"
              cpath: null
              cid: 11554
              inheritable: false
              inherited: false
            "navigation_anchor" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#6244
              #dao: null
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              #data: ""
              #type: "text"
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              data: ""
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              ctype: "document"
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              #data: ""
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              data: ""
              type: "text"
              ctype: "document"
              cpath: null
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              data: false
              type: "bool"
              ctype: "document"
              cpath: null
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              inherited: false
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              #data: "Solutions"
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              data: "Solutions"
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              cpath: null
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              inherited: false
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              data: ""
              type: "text"
              ctype: "document"
              cpath: null
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              inherited: false
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              #data: ""
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              #cpath: null
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              data: ""
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              ctype: "document"
              cpath: null
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              inherited: false
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              inherited: false
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              #dao: null
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              #data: null
              #type: "text"
              #ctype: "document"
              #cpath: null
              #cid: 11554
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              data: null
              type: "text"
              ctype: "document"
              cpath: null
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              inheritable: false
              inherited: false
            "navigation_title" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#6252
              #dao: null
              #name: "navigation_title"
              #data: "Solutions"
              #type: "text"
              #ctype: "document"
              #cpath: null
              #cid: 11554
              #inheritable: false
              #inherited: false
              name: "navigation_title"
              data: "Solutions"
              type: "text"
              ctype: "document"
              cpath: null
              cid: 11554
              inheritable: false
              inherited: false
            "navMenuSectionCssClass" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#6253
              #dao: null
              #name: "navMenuSectionCssClass"
              #data: "d-flex flex-wrap "
              #type: "text"
              #ctype: "document"
              #cpath: null
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              name: "navMenuSectionCssClass"
              data: "d-flex flex-wrap "
              type: "text"
              ctype: "document"
              cpath: null
              cid: 11554
              inheritable: false
              inherited: false
          #id: 11554
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          #modificationDate: 1716631684
          #versionCount: 7
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          #userModification: 63
          #parentId: 1167
          #parent: Pimcore\Bundle\PersonalizationBundle\Model\Document\Page {#802}
          #_fulldump: false
          #dirtyFields: []
          -activeDispatchingEvents: []
          #fullPathCache: "/fr/solutions"
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          #children: [
            "document_list_0" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Listing {#6264
              #dao: Pimcore\Model\Document\Listing\Dao {#6262 …}
              #order: [
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              #offset: 0
              #condition: "parentId = ?"
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              #conditionVariablesFromSetCondition: [
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              #conditionVariableTypes: [
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                Pimcore\Bundle\PersonalizationBundle\Model\Document\Page {#6277
                  #dao: Pimcore\Bundle\PersonalizationBundle\Model\Document\Page\Dao {#6275 …}
                  #dependencies: null
                  #__dataVersionTimestamp: 1709140501
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                  #properties: [
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                      #dao: null
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                      #data: "fr"
                      #type: "text"
                      #ctype: "document"
                      #cpath: null
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                      #inherited: true
                      name: "language"
                      data: "fr"
                      type: "text"
                      ctype: "document"
                      cpath: null
                      cid: 10667
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                      inherited: true
                    "backgroundAsset" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#6302
                      #dao: null
                      #name: "backgroundAsset"
                      #data: "10255"
                      #type: "asset"
                      #ctype: "document"
                      #cpath: null
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                      #inherited: true
                      name: "backgroundAsset"
                      data: "10255"
                      type: "asset"
                      ctype: "document"
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                      cid: 10667
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                      inherited: true
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                      #dao: null
                      #name: "footer"
                      #data: "12357"
                      #type: "document"
                      #ctype: "document"
                      #cpath: null
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                      #inherited: true
                      name: "footer"
                      data: "12357"
                      type: "document"
                      ctype: "document"
                      cpath: null
                      cid: 10667
                      inheritable: true
                      inherited: true
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                      #dao: null
                      #name: "rootDocument"
                      #data: "1167"
                      #type: "document"
                      #ctype: "document"
                      #cpath: null
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                      #inheritable: true
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                      name: "rootDocument"
                      data: "1167"
                      type: "document"
                      ctype: "document"
                      cpath: null
                      cid: 10667
                      inheritable: true
                      inherited: true
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                      #dao: null
                      #name: "static_page"
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                      #ctype: "document"
                      #cpath: null
                      #cid: 10667
                      #inheritable: true
                      #inherited: true
                      name: "static_page"
                      data: true
                      type: "bool"
                      ctype: "document"
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                      cid: 10667
                      inheritable: true
                      inherited: true
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                      #data: "background-color:white"
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                      #ctype: "document"
                      #cpath: null
                      #cid: 10667
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                      name: "bodyCss"
                      data: "background-color:white"
                      type: "text"
                      ctype: "document"
                      cpath: null
                      cid: 10667
                      inheritable: false
                      inherited: false
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                      #dao: null
                      #name: "navColumn"
                      #data: "1"
                      #type: "text"
                      #ctype: "document"
                      #cpath: null
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                      name: "navColumn"
                      data: "1"
                      type: "text"
                      ctype: "document"
                      cpath: null
                      cid: 10667
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                      inherited: false
                    "navigationItemTypes" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#6318
                      #dao: null
                      #name: "navigationItemTypes"
                      #data: "Items"
                      #type: "text"
                      #ctype: "document"
                      #cpath: null
                      #cid: 10667
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DefaultController :: defaultAction (token = 5e8797)

Key Value
App\Controller\DefaultController {#457
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Pimcore\Bundle\PersonalizationBundle\Model\Document\Snippet {#11659
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